DES Electrical Contractors offers many options for your Caravan, Motor home, car, shack, boat, yacht - anything really! for solar
We design any system be it a 12v system 24v, 48v DC and 240v AC for your needs
We also do caravan inspections for registration.
If your solar system is designed properly the first time you should not "run" out of power ever regardless of where you are in Australia.
We see often people who start with a "internet special" only to find they run out of power after 3 days then to "upgrade " their system
(basically installing an totally separate system) costing way more than doing it properly in the first place.
Rule of thumb:
Size of battery = Max ah taken each day x days of no charge then doubled (if lead acid less if lithium)
Size of solar = generated ah to replace taken ah before 3pm the following day
this will ensure that you will never run out of charge
Some typical loads in caravans etc are:
12v Waeco or Engel fridge - 4-6 amps or up to 25-35 ah a day
led lighting - up to 5 ah a day
TV 4-5 amps up to 16-20 ah a day
we calculate your load for you but we do ask exactly what you have now and what you want to get in years time to calculate your future load as well.
The equipment we use is tailored to each job
we now even have a ALL in one system that turns your caravan into a 240v AC van all the time regardless if your plugged in or not
some of the gear we use are:
Victron Energy MPPT regulators
Suntech Panels
Sunman Flexi panels
Full River Batteries
Victron batteries including lithium
Exide deep cycle batteries
Schneider solar chargers
Latronics inverters and Victron inverters
All panels are "glued" to your roof of your van etc not screwed so there is no penetration of the roof skin - less leaks!, We use special mounting blocks.